Magical Maui Mystery Tour!

Are you on Maui alone and want a playmate, a dinner companion, accompaniment to Little Beach, or simply wanting to be a part of Maui’s Magical Mystery Tour that lives in the moment to moment flow and isn’t written in any of the tourist handouts? (wowee!)
Then you may need to connect with me, your Personal Tour Guide for this type of adventure.

Here are a few examples of some outdoor adventures possible. Check out our videos. More will come that are examples of other types of Maui fun that’s possible. Whatever you imagine that you would like to experience, it would be my pleasure to attempt to fulfill your requests. Set your intentions and ask, Magical Maui has her way of making your dreams come true!

Free diving under aquatic arches, the Magic Maui Mermaid spins to the surface to greet you.

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Devaka dancing with dolphins at our secret location ;o)

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Brown Chicken Brown Cow Wows the Whales as we sail through the Maui Lanai Channel

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Juvenile Whales Salute You

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Contacted by Marie Diamond Feng Shui Master in the best selling New Age Video “The Secret”, Devaka helped organize this gathering on the Big Island at Pu’uhonua o Honaunau, the Place of Refuge with Kahuna Auntie Aka in celebration of Obama’s Inauguration January 20th 2009. As we were gathering on the black lava flats of the southern Kona Coast late that afternoon, the whales showed up to share their joy and celebrate the new President.

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“Pu’uhonua was a sanctuary that provided the people with a second chance. No blood could be shed within its confines. But who sought new life here and what had they done? Some were the non-combatants during the war. The object of war in those days was to exterminate the enemy, which included anyone who belonged to the opposing side. Those too old,too young, or unable to fight could find safety in the sanctuary. Defeated warriors also came where they could wait in safety until the battle was over. Then there were those who had broken the kapu. According to the kapu, a common person could not look at or get close to the chief, walk in the chief’s footsteps, touch the chief’s possessions, or let his shadow fall on the palace grounds. Everyday activities too were regulated by the kapu. Women could not eat certain foods reserved for offerings to the gods, nor could they prepared meals for men or even eat with them…When a kapu was broken the penalty was always death. Otherwise the gods might react violently, perhaps with volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, famine, drought or earthquakes. To protect themselves from catastrophies, the people pursued the kapu breaker until he was caught and put to death- or until he made his way to pu’uhonua. If he did reach a pu’uhonua, a ceremony of absolution was performed by the kahuna pule (priest).” The offender could then reutrn home safely, usually within a few hours or by the next day. The spirit of the pu’uhonua was respected by all. In the spirit of aloha from Hawaii Nei, the 50th state & the birth place of our 44th President Auntie Aka performed a sacred Hawaiian blessing.


Devaka kayaking

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