EsSensual Touch


Imagine… receiving a tantalizing, tantric massage in a serene, tropical setting… Beautiful bouganvillas, honey-hued hibiscus, orgasmic orchids abound.

Smell…the fragrance of tuberose, or the subtle scent of an oceanic balmy breeze…

Gaze upon the Pacific pallette as sunset descends…

Listen…to the soothing sounds of the stream trickling by, or

Feel…. the rush of the waterfall cascading from its rocky roost…

Relax, beloveds in my sacred temple, my humble abode where masters rest and revitalize their bodies for the pleasurable art of fine-tuning their instruments…

The body is a temple, a vehicle for the Divine to dwell in. Es~Sensual Touch is one of the most luxurious experiences imaginable for two hearts and bodies…

Connecting…. Giving and receiving wholesome love… As the chakra circuits open, kundalini courses through their conduits, infusing the body with a richly rewarding energetic experience. No need for your beloved to worry….

Be receptive to my mastery as I unpeel layers of worldly stress and tension from your soul…

Let go of the past and allow each moment to reveal its delight ful sensations. Without demand or expectation you will be cared for, transported into new vistas of visionary vibrance, pulsations of pure pleasure…

I invite you for an integral, rejuvenating retreat for your Spirit.

Do come….and expand your experience of ecstacy on Earth!


Phenomenal Bodywork

Through a dynamic system of pleasurable deep tissue and sacred soothing oil bodywork, Devaka allows you to release chronic mind, body aches and pains. Relax deeply, your stored emotional and physical tensions.

Simply the Best!